Monday, August 4, 2008

4 Quick and Simple Steps to Attract Waves of Social Bookmarking Traffic

Using social bookmarking secrets is smart, and nearly anyone can afford the benefits it brings. Users can bookmark web pages and tag the page also. The tags provide them with a single keyword that is relevant to the page's content. Tags also are used to associate the keywords with the content on the web page, which makes it easier for the user to categorize and classify the web content. It is easy and all you have to do is classify the tags, use similar keywords, and you will have a credible resource within a specified category. Sign up now with You can follow a few simple steps to use as a social bookmarking tool, follow the simple steps:

Step 1- Open a Delicious account with the social network

Step 2- Create a username and password

Step 3- Install Delicious Buttons

Step 4- Next sign up to use the bookmarks

to sign up to use the bookmarks, simply login to your Yahoo email account. Once you login, follow the simple steps to joining the social network of bookmarking. You will see buttons when you login to your Yahoo account. Follow the steps:

1. Search for relevant Bookmarks

2. Add your URL and tags by clicking on the Add button.

Once you add your URL and tags, you can edit, move, or delete any information you choose. You can also use the Quicklist tab to add your information. You will need to import your browser bookmarks, install Yahoo's toolbar, and then start organizing your bookmarks. It is that simple and once you finish you can start sharing information with other users online.

Busby SEO Challenge

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